Monday, October 24, 2016

Branding Yourself

Lisa Quast's article Personal Branding 101 explains the importance of branding yourself and how in the business world, it helps to set you aside from others and put you above them. It also makes it easier for you to reach your goals. The different steps that Lisa Quast lists to brand yourself is first define your overall aspirations, conduct research, determine your brand attributes, assess your current state, create your game plan, and manage your brand. I plan to follow these steps by first graduating college and earning a degree in communications with a minor in business, then going straight to grad school and earn a masters degree. Then after I conduct research and decide on exactly what I want to do, I will determine the attributes I want my brand to express and then create a game plan on how I would want to convert myself, including what I want to look like and how I want to act, I would also need to create all of my social media accounts. Then after all of this, I would manage my brand and keep up with all my accounts to get my brand out there to others online and in person.

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