Monday, September 5, 2016


The YouTube account and blog, Lonelygirl15, posted its first video in June of 2006 and was a YouTube channel of a teenage girl named Bree. The YouTube account posted hundreds of video blogs or episodes throughout its course. The channel quickly became the most watched channel on YouTube, and people followed it like television show. Months after the premiere of the show, it was proven that Bree was actually a fictional character/actress that had been hired to air the video blogs and the creators of the show were Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, and Greg Goodfried. The actress that played Bree was named Jessica Rose and after the discovery of the hoax, both she and the show became famous and were covered by numerous television shows and magazines. Here is both a picture of the actress that played Lonelygirl15 and a video was recaps the first season.

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